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From NYC: Saw Mill to Taconic Pkwy.
Take ramp onto Route 199 (RT-199) toward Red Hook. Go for 4.0 mi.
Turn right onto N Broadway (US-9). Go for 1.5 mi.
Turn right onto Fraleigh Ln. Go for 0.3 mi.
Turn left onto Rose Hill Farm Rd. Go for 0.1 mi.
Amtrak from Penn Station to Rhinecliff. Takes about 1 hr and 45 min and costs approx $55. If you plan to take the train, please let us know so we can help you arrange transport to the farm!
Parking passes at the farm must be purchased prior to the event. There is limited parking at the orchard so please carpool! If you have room in your car, please let us know!
getting there:
Rose Hill Farm 19 Rose Hill Farm
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